
Mind-Body Medicine For Wholeness In The Family


As an educator for over 35 years. I hold a clear vision for shifting education globally and to teach more people the importance of life skills and personal growth practices that help them live a life worth living, no matter who or when.

Sometimes people call me an UnConventional Interventionist or The Emotional Makeover Artist as I help people rewire their experience with new refined skills. I help others find their “10” and locate just what stands between them and their optimal blueprint.  What turns me on is others being and living their real, truthful, deep down, self-  authentically- like nobody else can.  We can touch galaxies and worlds by changing  our individual world with our unique HeartPrint.

Be You. Love Life. change The World. Out of all the stars made of stardust, we are the only ones who can be ourself. We are our own, greatest natural resource.  Tap in.